
Sometimes, when reading the Bible, you're presented with two declarations that don't seem to add up. For instance, when I was younger, I remember hearing about the "imperishable crown" we as Christians were to strive for (1 Cor. 9:25), and about the rewards great saints received. But how can that be when God (not us) being glorified is the aim of essentially everything in the Bible?

Rev. 4:10 talks about the saints/elders casting their crowns before the throne of God. And every time, that's when it hits me: The perfect symbiosis of our life's rewards and God's glory.

Those who live a fruitful Christian life are rewarded according to those things. All believers get into heaven, but there are certain recognitions paid for kindness, compassion, leading others to truth, etc. That's nice. But it doesn't end there.

All of those wonderful things we've done, the sacrifices and extra efforts, become God's glory. We receive the honor and then cast it down before the One to whom its truly due. It's all about Him ... no matter what. And that's just awesome.

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