Inevitable revelation

At the ripe age of almost-25, it's suddenly come to my attention that I should start wearing make-up. I've evaded the pesky cosmetics for a quarter of a century and, apparently, the jig is up.

I have a rear-view mirror of sorts on top of my computer monitor at work so I can be "oonagi" (that means constant awareness -- watch some "Friends," people!). Anyway, it's a very close-up mirror and every so often I catch my reflection. And today? Not such a stunning reflection :)

I've got bags under my eyes now and the tone of my skin is obviously uneven. As the older brother in "Back to the Future" would say (pardon my French), "when the h**l did this happen?"

I am not typically a vain person and probably shouldn't care that I look as if I need make-up these days. But I can't deny feeling the "need" spread around in our culture that if you have the means to cover any flaw, you should cover it.

Sighhhhh. Well, at least it will be an interesting battle to watch: my vanity vs. nature's reality.

1 comment:

girlfriday said...

The fact is, you haven't had to wear makeup because your ruby red lips, heart-shaped mouth, beautiful skin and heart-melting eyes have been sufficient.