By our love

"By this all will know that you are My disciples -- if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)

Not if you have great theological insight; not if you are full of enthusiasm. As the old song says, "and they'll know we are Christians by our love." But even beyond that, it's love for one another Jesus is emphasizing. Only He could understand a future wrought with denominational strife, resulting in many believers being more concerned with "one-upping" each other than loving each other.

Now, I'm the first one to stand up in support of Christian denominations. I realize doctrinal distinctions are important to many. But at what cost? Denominations can be a healthy, beautiful thing because they speak to the heart of "freedom in Christ." Like a rainbow, there are many different colors or varieties, but they're all part of the same thing.

The tragedy is when that rainbow becomes a puddle of running colors -- no longer a glory in the sky, but a muddled mish-mash on the ground. That's what Christianity looks like to the world when we can't even love our brothers and sisters.

So let the vibrant colors emerge, different as they may be (and forgive the over-extended metaphor). But let's not forget our badge of identification: Love for one another.


girlfriday said...

This isn't convicting at all.

Well done.

Everyday Anne said...

Lois... good word. Good reminder.