Autumnal items

A couple things I'm thinking about today...

1. What it your favorite autumn memory?

2. What are your thoughts on celebrating Halloween? I ran across this post on a blog today, and it got me thinking. My Evangelical Christian family never observed Oct. 31 in a candy-ish, costume-y way. We never judged anyone else that celebrated, though. It was a personal thing. But it's still an interesting point of discussion, I think -- at least for people that feel a little morally conflicted about it. Thoughts?

Happy fall, y'all!


girlfriday said...

I judged 'em!!

Everyday Anne said...

Thanks for the link! I appreciated what she had to say on the subject. Especially since we did Halloween growing up. Much to think about as at some point in the future we might have little Everydayanne's and Mr. M's running all over the place.

Posh Mama said...

We didn't get to as kids, celebrate that is. I never even went trick or treating. Until I was in Bible College, how odd is that?? Now I am not sure how to handle it with my boys. I read somewhere on a blog, wish I remembered where, that they treated Halloween as a fun day to dress up and be anything they (the kids) dreamt of being, nothing scary, but firefighters, princesses, etc. Which I like. And of course I like candy too...

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

We were never into Halloween when the kids were little, but they weren't that interested, either. They hated the scary stuff in stores and on TV, and it got to the point where it was a big negative hassle to me. End of debate for us!