Horton Hears a Fetus

Yesterday on "Oprah," the cast of the new animated feature "Horton Hears a Who" came on to discuss the new film. The episode was pleasant, but what I kept thinking about was the first time I heard the Dr. Seuss classic.

If you're not familiar, it's about an amiable elephant who happens to hear the tiny cry of a microscopic "Who" in a spec of dust. Whoville, we learn, is in trouble and Horton takes on the role of protector. Of course his fellow jungle mates question the Whos' existence. "“Why, that speck is as small as the head of a pin. A person on that?…why, there never has been!”

But Horton believes and stays true to his post, and eventually he's exonerated when all the Whos join their voices to be heard at last by a skeptical kangaroo. There's this beautiful mantra repeated throughout:
"I’ll just have to save him. Because, after all, a person’s a person, no matter how small ...
"I can’t put it down. And I won’t! After all, a person’s a person, o matter how small

The tiny little hearts that beat inside their mothers' wombs are clear and strong as a tympani drum if you're listening well. I know because I have one such heart beating in my own belly. Yes, I am going to be (really already am) a mother for the first time. I have begun my second trimester and couldn't hold the news in any longer for fear of bursting ... and because it's difficult to want to blog about anything else! I am overwhelmed with hope and joy for the future of my family, and can't wait to meet the little soul whose personality is already so vibrant and unique.

I went in for an ultrasound four weeks after conception -- four weeks -- and heard my child's heart beating. No "mass of cells" I've heard of can do that. I never realized you could hear a heartbeat that early, but you learn something new every day. And like Horton, if we don't take the time to really listen, we'll dismiss some of the most vital signs of life. I know that beating heart is in a person, afterall -- a person's a person no matter how small.


Everyday Anne said...

Hurrah for lessons learned through Dr. Seuss... and hurrah for the little person we all can't wait to meet!

SerineKat said...

I thought the sweetest sound was the end to the writer's strike? Make up your hormonal mind already!

Anonymous said...


melissa said...

A hearty congratulations to you both---how thrilling!

Will love following along in this adventure. ;)

Queenheroical said...

Congratulations -- and hello little person, be kind to the host -- she feeds you!


girlfriday said...

Awesome post JTTW. I've read that book you know, but never picked up the so-obvious-you-could-hit-me-over-the-head-with-it point. I can't wait to blog about this after the movie comes out. Preceded by all kinds of inane comments by the actors.

Posh Mama said...

Congrats to you! Amazing isn't it? I can't wait to follow along on your adventure!aq

Missy said...

oh, YEA!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering why you didn't have kids, because I know your mommy posts will be hy-sterical. Trust me, kiddos are good grist for the blog.

CONGRATS!!! What is your due date??

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

What an appropos application of this tender story. I am thrilled for you. When I had my first child, my world went from black and white to color, and I understood in a new way, what unconditional love is. Wonderful post.

elphaba said...

I agree with Myssi @ it's almost naptime, reading your blogs about Motherhood will be very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

congrats ... joy really, you shouldn't be keeping me in the dark so long....

Lois E. Lane said...

"Hello, Kettle? This is Ryan -- you're black."
P.S. Check your e-mail more often :)