Barefoot and pregnant

Well, it's official: I'm a housewife. And so far, not desperate.

Last week was a flurry of last-minute duties and stressful afterthoughts. But Wednesday at about 7 p.m., I had successfully packed up my desk and cleaned off my computer at work -- a professional editor no more.

Today I am in my pajamas, babysitting an adorable 6-month-old boy and organizing my freelance work for the week. What a difference a day (or five) makes. And no, those aren't my legs and feet in the picture.

It's amazing, really, the sheer amount of stuff one accumulates over four years at one job -- thousands of iTunes files, hundreds of e-mails, dozens of mementos. Saving some but purging the others was both cathartic and surreal. It's a whole section of my life (a 40-hours-per-week section) I don't have to think about any more. This will definitely take some getting used to. But I'm up for it. And I'm excited about the opportunity to practice nesting before my own adorable bundle arrives this summer.

Thank you, God, for working this out. And thank you, Superman, for being supportive enough to let me try. Until next time...


girlfriday said...

This is all so exciting. I just wish I was there to be more a part of it...but I'm glad you're blogging about it. It's just such a shift in your lifestyle and habits. Is there any going back?

SerineKat said...

Welcome to my world! I must say, the best thing about being home is my newfound dedication to Judge Judy... I know every episode by heart.
Honestly, it is the hardest thing I've ever done. Even before my baby it was a struggle with my pride but it's worth it - especially for the kid. I'll see you soon.

melissa said...

Well done, my girl. Well done indeed. :)

girlfriday said...

Serinekat! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

I wish I could keep track of all your changing bookmarks. I'll figure it out one of these days.

Posh Mama said...

congrats! its an amazing thing. and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Everyday Anne said...

Hey! Well.. we should trade war stories some time :)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I am so envious but happy for you!