You and what army?

I'm not a stupid person. I like to think I'm even a bit smart. But I have yet to grasp exactly what the construction sign to my left fully means. I see it in a construction zone on the Interstate. "DO NOT FOLLOW TRUCKS." OK. Shall I just slam on my breaks if I find myself behind one? Or should I flip a U-ie and start driving the opposite direction? What are these mysterious trucks I'm not supposed to follow? And what precisely does "follow" mean? Perhaps that Darigold semi yesterday was just a form of entrapment by the local PD.


JEB said...

I think they are trying to tell you not to get to close to construction trucks. Some people get behind trucks and just draft off of them and switch lanes whenever the trucks switch lanes, etc. That's all I can think. I agree it's annoying.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

You know, that is a weirdly-worded sign! I think JEB is right; it's all about drafting, and not the graph paper kind.

Anonymous said...

Jeb is on the right track, so to speak. Sometimes when following too close to trucks your vision is impaired and you can't see what is going on in front of you, especially in heavy construction zones.

Often times those trucks are veering off main roads into construction zones. If one was following too close or not paying attention they could find themselves in a dangerous construction zone traveled mostly by behemoth trucks. A place where one's car or light duty truck may not be able to traverse such a rough terrain or worse yet get in a pickle where other big trucks aren't paying attention and could roll over you.

I personally always giggle when I see the big dump truck with ‘Do Not Push’ on the back of them.