I likes my cookbooks like I likes my men

OK, that's not true at all. The cookbooks I like are old and idealistic. My husband is neither.

But my Superman does have a few things in common with the vintage cookbooks I've developed a fetish for: Colorful, efficient and a good dose of eye-candy.

A year or so ago I was able to curb my seemingly insatiable appetite for old-time cookbooks of the '50s and '60s. I told myself to walk on by the book department at second-hand shops. I held off for a year. I knew it couldn't last.

Here are my latest finds:

I love this little entry in the holiday book:

In case you can't read it, the passage says "To make Combination-salad Baskets (like those served at McDonald's Tea Room)..." Yes, because that's a timeless reference we all can understand!

Another favorite of mine is the Betty Crocker party book.

But the Better Homes and Gardens Salad Book just might take the cake for most creative (or weirdest) set of recipes. These folks were all about the gelatin molds! Check out this inexplicable idea for a salad.

Shredded cabbage and gelatin ought never to be uttered in the same sentence. But then again, that's half the fun of these books.

1 comment:

girlfriday said...

In case you can't read it, the passage says "To make Combination-salad Baskets (like those served at McDonald's Tea Room)..." Yes, because that's a timeless reference we all can understand!

Hilarious! Could they possibly mean Micky D's? Doesn't seem likely, does it.

I had no idea you had this fetish!!!!!! Oh no, now you might be in trouble.

I do have one you gave me a gift come to think of it.