It's finally arrived...

"No spring nor summer hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face."
~ John Donne

Today is the first official day of autumn. So begins my favorite time of year, which includes my anniversary, my birthday and Thanksgiving. Not to mention the countdown to my favorite day of the year: Christmas Eve. Ah, you thought I'd say Christmas, right? Well I think most people would agree that after the pomp of a Christmas Eve service or dinner party at your grandparents' or a final reading of the Christmas story, things seem to wind down after gift opening on the actual holiday (food is an obvious plus but, as I must remind myself constantly, it's not everything). The anticipation and knowing that you have one more day to bask in the Christmas spirit is where the magic truly is.

But that time will come, and I'm not counting down the days yet because I soak up every ounce of autumn I can. Some people ("summer lovers" I call them) choose to look at it as "the beginning of the end," the outdoors version of terminal illness. But it's not death it represents, but change. The kind of change that matures you, ready or not, and somehow makes you even more colorful and beautiful. In the New Testament, Christ and Paul often talked about death as a pathway to life. That's all this time of year is, really. The whole tree doesn't die when it sheds its leaves. It's simply letting go of the old stuff to make room for the really good stuff. Ain't life grand?


CGHill said...

You mean the Good Stuff is waiting for the likes of me to get out of the way?

Now I am depressed. :)

Ibid said...

brrr... this season always makes me melancholy. Not so much later, but the change of the seasons always makes me feel like there's something I missed.

Ibid said...

woah... there are two kates on here. I don't think I can take it. Nice name, though, kate.