The season and happiness

This morning I got up for a brisk walk in a cloudy, early-autumn morning. The air smelled so clean and I couldn't help but smile when I saw that a small tree had already begun shedding many of its leaves. Earlier this week, the hubby and I ventured out into a local pumpkin patch with my brother, his wife and my near-perfect nephew. It was so pleasant and so like a scene from a movie :) We road out to the patch on a platform hitched to a tractor, picked a beautiful pumpkin, then came back to the farm to drink hot cider and watch my nephew play.

I don't think my husband has the same appreciation for times like that (actually, I'm fairly sure he doesn't), probably because he can't stop thinking of things he could be or he wants to be doing instead. At the risk of sounding condescending, I used to be more like that. I have a lot of flaws and he has a lot of strengths. There is, however, something I've started to come to terms with in this stage of my life: True joy can only come from God. But there is a kind of happiness (though temporal) that can be achieved simply by letting go and allowing yourself to be content in a given moment. And that's a very nice feeling :)

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