"Hollywood cliche"

This just in on the "well, duh" newswire: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson have split up. Now, I'm as annoyed as anyone by the pair, but I still feel saddened whenever I hear ANYone's marriage is dissolving. Because it is sad. I remember hearing a quote from Jennifer Anniston about her under the radar (ha) divorce from Brad Pitt. She said one of the most difficult things was that their marriage was being "reduced to a Hollywood cliche." That was painful to read. No matter how spoiled these celebrities appear to us, or how quickly we think they fall in and out of love, the end of a committed marriage sucks just as much for them as it does for us.

With "The Newlyweds," it isn't hard to guess how things went awry. They practically lived and worked on opposite sides of the country 75% of the time. That is bound to wreak havoc. But we all know this: Marriage is hard. The trouble comes when you mix that "hardness" with our culture's resistance to giving it the ol' college try. If you give yourself the out of divorce, then stretch your relationship to its outer limit, what do you expect?

These divorces are no surprise to most of us, and I don't think we should care any more about their's than our own parents' just because they're celebrities. But it's all still very sad.

1 comment:

girlfriday said...

I feel the same way. They're still people, after all. Though I reckon there are some exceptions to those who feel guilt about ending marriages.

And, why do they marry? When does "hope springs eternal" become "the triumph of hope over experience?" Never mind. I know why they marry. For the same reasons everyone else marries.