
When I was a home-schooled lass in the fifth grade or so, I visited my best friend's school for the day. Since it was a private, Christian school students prayed in their home rooms. The teacher took prayer requests from whomever had them, and if the kids had private requests they didn't want to share the details of, they would simply call them "unspeakables." Thus they got the prayer without having to explain what it was all about.

At the time, I remember thinking it was dumb. Why ask someone to pray if you're not even going to tell them what to pray for? What a waste of breath. But as I've gotten older, I understand the concept a little better. But no better than in the last two days. That's why here in this entry, I'm claiming an "unspeakable" and asking for prayer. Superman and Lois Lane could really use it right now. Thank you...


girlfriday said...

I felt the same way about unspeakables but, well, sometimes things cannot or should not be expressed.

The Alter Ego said...

Sorry to hear that you got some bumbs in the road. I hope you find your way out and get on the right course.

And yes, there definately are things in life, that are hard to share - and should only be shared with those closeths to us.