And I won't even say his name

Henceforth I will refer to a certain chart-topping rap artist by KW: I want to be free to point out his mastery of the ridiculous, but won't give him the satisfaction of saying his name. So no one searching the blogosphere will stop by just because Google produced his name here. That being said...

Here are a couple gems from the oh-so-gracious Grammy loser, who couldn't pull out an album of the year award (not long before the show, he said "If I don't win Album of the Year, I'm gonna really have a problem with that"). The man couldn't be nearly as sore about losing to U2 as he was about losing best new artist a couple years back; KW opens for U2 right now, and you mustn't bite the hand that feeds you. But why the win, K? "Um, can we say vote splitting?" Nice.

In addition to the visual joke that fell slightly flat in KW's first acceptance speech -- a piece of paper with "thank you list" written in big letters to mock any element of surprise Mr. Humility would've felt -- he later revealed a similar piece of paper that would've been flashed had those pesky Grammy voters not split their decision: "I told you so!" Very nice.

To gloss over the fact that his predictions were more than a little off, he offered that what REALLY mattered that night was the performance, which was rockin'. "I would have been more disappointed if I didn't have a good performance and I had won Album of the Year." Naturally. I guess a lot has changed since the night of your "Jesus Walks" performance before losing the best new artist title. That's good, I guess. "The performance, that's what it's about, the entertainment and people having a good time. I just want to see the black colleges right now ... " Ah, there it is! There's that nice little racial job, that "us and them" comment we've come to expect from a manchild who can't finish a paragraph without driving a wedge even further between the races.

But let's get to the heart of all the success and accolades, K: Art, expression, molding minds ... right? Hmmm. "I am more famous now, and that means more money!" Somehow in all of KW's spouting off, this statement is what rings most true. How tragically telling.

Of Grammy night winner Bono, he said, "He has taught me a lot about carrying the fame with grace." Let's hope he rubs off on KW just a little more.

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