A psalmist for the 21st century

It wouldn't be fitting to tout someone who has immense talent when that person would rather the attention go to the Giver of the talent. So I won't use this space to flatter Leeland Mooring, but simply describe what I think is a divine gift wrapped up in a pint-sized, red-headed, teenage package.

If you've not listened to the band Leeland, you really ought to (linked at "For Music" on the right). It will lift your spirits -- I don't see how it couldn't. Having FINALLY gotten the chance to see him/them play live, I was impressed with their poise and professionalism. Before taking the stage, I spied front-man Mooring sneaking around the side of the stage and shaking hands with the sound guy and assorted event staff. "That is pretty cool," I thought. Especially for a 19-year-old.

So he stands out already. And then you hear him sing -- with passion -- the moving lyrics he himself penned. It's a beautiful thing. His writing and vocal skills probably belong in the brain and body of someone 10 years older than him. If you listen, really listen, to the words, it's like hearing a modern-day psalm set to music. The reckless abandon and unabashed love for his Creator that shines through reminds me of a young King David. Almost like if he had his way, he would break out dancing and sing for days on end.

I've never seen anyone like Leeland Mooring in the music industry -- Christian or mainstream.

What a wonderful gift; I'm so glad he is using it.


girlfriday said...

The other day, one of the two young priests we now have ministering at the Newman Center said that ALL the Psalms were songs. Did you know that? I didn't.

sam said...

good recommendation. enjoying it.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I work for a youth ministry, and when we went to a conference in Tulsa, Leeland led worship. They are good. And he is SO young.

"Molly McGee" said...


We need to talk Lois.