Of course I care...

...but arguably not enough to actually vote next month. My high school government teacher would just as soon flunk me for that -- good thing he's not my teacher any more. I do, however, believe in praying for God's wisdom in the mind of whomever our leader is, because He ultimately "picks" him or her anyway. I just don't think I have the energy or heart for enough intelligent research to back up a vote of confidence.

"How small, of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure."

~ Samuel Johnson


Anonymous said...

ohhhhh nooooooo!!!!

this of course is your decision and in no way influencable by the pleading and begging of someone on the net that you barely know... but just know that if I were you I would vote for Obama.

ha! have a great day, and not to worry I will stop my embargo on your blog sometime tomorrow... but know that from now until then, I'm not reading anything you post. It is my personal protest to your ambivalence.

JEB said...

well if sam i is is going to plea for Obama then I might as well cancel with a plea that you NOT!