The other "A" word

You know, it's funny. I could have sworn I've met and befriended a number of people who were adopted by their parents. But I must be wrong, because according to what's on TV, children from unplanned pregnancies are either aborted or raised by their biological mothers. Strange, don't you think?

The dilemma of extremes reared its ugly head yet again on "ER" last Thursday. A 15-year-old is in trouble (the child of deeply religious parents, as usual) because she made a bad decision at a drinking party and was raped. The doctors assume her parents will support the pregnancy's termination. When they don't, the medical staff is incredulous because the mom and dad are insisting she keep the baby. Obviously, neither scenario is very desirable. If only there was some other option ...

The portrayal of the parents wasn't bad, actually; they weren't forceful or too obnoxious. But this is what happens in nearly every TV show when a woman unintentionally becomes pregnant. It happened in "Sex and the City," for instance. There are plenty of plot lines about people finding their biological parents after years of searching. But when it comes down to "the decision," adoption is almost always left out of the equation.

This is sad to me, especially since there are so many happy families with adopted children. Also because as a Christian, adoption should look like the most desirable outcome -- no human life is lost, a young person's future isn't put in jeopardy, and a grateful family receives the best gift of all.

I guess that's just not dramatic enough for TV.

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