One of the inadvertent byproducts of belonging to a gym like Gold's is that you observe women in all shapes and sizes (men too, of course). Many dress appropriately for a good workout -- supportive top, comfortable pants or shorts and sneakers. But it's the women who look like they're getting ready to be judged in a wet t-shirt contest that really catch your eye.
And why shouldn't they? That's the whole point, right -- to catch your eye? Some women are less subtle than others in their efforts. Take, for instance, the 40-something with a petite frame and large chest (natural I'm sure) who wears the same tiny white shorts and tight, pink top night after night with "IT GIRL" emblazoned across the front. Classy already, right? It gets better. Suspiciously, I've observed (from the back-row bicycles) that most, if not all, of her weight exercises are some sort of upper-body, opening-of-the-chest set of reps. Can't imagine why...can you?
Women like this used to infuriate me. Now they really just make me sad. This is their lot in life, to catch the eye of men. What men? It doesn't seem to matter. They just want to be looked at. But that's the end of it. How many of these men will actually make a move and ask a girl out? And do the girls even want to be asked out? In many cases, I think the answer is no to both. Because that's not the point. Getting looked at is the goal.
Isn't that ridiculously sad? Think of it as a buffet in your break-room at the office. You may be filled to the gills from the sack lunch you just ate, but once that picture-perfect pile of donuts catches your eye or you see a stack of delicious deli meats and cheeses, you'll do a double-take. As a passerby, you may not want to reach for that cheese puff, but you'll gaze for a moment and maybe even think about it. And why shouldn't you? That's the whole point, right?
Some of you women at my gym are the edible and visual equivalent to these tasty dishes (pun intended). Do you realize that any breathing man -- or woman, for that matter -- will take particular notice when your goods are on display? Human beings have eyes. We notice things that are out of the ordinary. It doesn't mean we want you or want to be you. It means we're not blind. If this is truly your sole source of affirmation in life, that's your prerogative, sad as it is. But if, on the other hand, you don't want to be treated like a piece of meat, then stop presenting yourself as one.