Logging in

This morning at my desk, I logged into the computer and watched as the creative art that is my walllpaper was slowly peppered with icons. Prompts appeared and servers were connected. Now my background looks more like jumbled clusters of labels mingling with random colors. Complicated.

Is this the same thing I do every morning? I wake up with a clean slate, a fresh image of what this day means -- simple. Slowly but surely, however, I have to connect to my "wife server," then my "work server." I click on the shower prompt and the breakfast prompt. And before I know it, the icons appear: Pack-a-lunch.doc, Warm-up-car.jpg, Check-phone-mssg.xls, etc. Complicated.

But such is life. If I want to get my work done, I have to log in to my computer. If I want to be a productive human being, I have to log in to my life. It's not a matter of IF those "icons" appear, but a matter of WHICH. Perhaps if I made folders for the little details, they wouldn't take up so much space on the wallpaper of my mind.

The image for my personal desktop background would be a gorgeous Irish or Scottish landscape (green oceanside cliffs or rolling Highlands) with these words written across the top: "Go and do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you" (2 Sam. 7:3b). I would place those breakfast and shower icons, along with dozens of others, in a folder called "The little things." There would be another folder called "Work." The only document on my desktop itself would be called "The good stuff," and in it would be a checklist of sorts:
• Kiss husband
• Thank God
• Drink hot tea
• Bless someone
• Smile
• E-mail your friends
• Think about your nephew
• Call a family member
• Dream big
• Hug your husband
• Learn something
• Pray

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to click back into "Work."


girlfriday said...

Do you realize what a profound post this is? Thank you for it.

It is my favorite.

Everyday Anne said...

Love the post, Lois. And so true. I like what you had in your important folder, if only we could make life that simple and stick to it!