One of my sistas from the girlfriday clan has given me the above label ... along with pear-shaped, but that's another story :) I of course laughed it off the first time she mentioned it. Me? Have a complex? Never! I'm SO well-balanced. Then I got to thinking: Can it really qualify as a complex if it's not just all in your head?
Before you go thinking, "here comes some 'woe is me' crap," let me assure I'm not a bitter person (though family members have affectionately called me "sensitive" on a number of occasions). I feel immensely blessed in my life, far beyond what I deserve. I haven't earned any of the greatest gifts of my life; I know that. But trivially (that means not life-or-death) lame things do seem to happen in my general direction. "Yes, Lois, life isn't fair." I know, I know. Yet isn't it possible that just like some sort of scientific phenomena, certain people get slighted more than others? Life's not fair, but it's also not a prefect and equally distributed world.
I could dredge up any number of examples of being snubbed or overlooked -- an Exhibit A, Exhibit B sort of thing. But then I'd just get accused of bitterness. To the contrary! I remember loads of wonderful, encouraging moments as well. Can you really call someone "bitter" because they have an extraordinary memory? (Thanks for the genes, fam). Let me reiterate: I don't think I have it worse off than anyone else in this world. I have it better than most! I'm just saying that when it comes to social and relational interaction, some people's lives are a little more charmed. Is that so hard to believe?
And yes, I know Denelian is shaking her head and snickering as she read this. Stop laughing! Why is everyone always laughing at me ...
I can truly attest to the fact that all things in life don't roll the same for everybody. Certainly doesn't mean we who have had a share of bad happenings are bitter or angry just full up on history.
and thanks for the input on my site. Everyone needs a little Peggy Hill now and again, your right.
whoops you're right ... tricksy fingers
I've NEVER seen a 'persecution complex' side of you. Yeah, sometimes you get handed a lame result but you complain least of anyone I know. Maybe you were just having a rough day or something when you got 'labeled' by someone.
Lois, lois, lois.... Serinekat sayeth it well.
Though I agree with you that things don't always roll out evenly for everyone. Some just seem to have plenty of charm where some just have prickles. But you my dear, are loaded with charm :)
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