The scripture that song is based on was the theme of a women's social I recently attended at church. I thought the speaker gave an amazing illustration of what this means to us in our limited human comprehension. Like a couple expecting a new baby, all the love in the world is already there, before he or she is even born. An expecting dad will talk to his wife's tummy while she lovingly caresses is it as if the baby could feel her touch. They love that baby -- a baby who's done nothing to earn that love but simply exist. That love will always be. Mom and dad can't wait to get to know their little one, to wisely impart tenderness and discipline. And one day soon, a cherub-faced toddler will look up at them and say, "I love you."
We love Him because He first loved us.
What an awesome analogy! It fits so perfectly our Fathers love for us! Thank you for sharing :)
ohhh ... that is good.
- Krina
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