Her orange Crocs won't be forgotten

*The entry below was written by a very special guest blogger -- my husband (a.k.a. Superman)*

Alice loved "Animal Planet." She'd watch for hours, now and again commenting on the size and speed of the creature on the screen.

Alice rocked orange Croc sandals with an orange-and-white checkered button-up shirt, as well as a straw visor — yes, orange in color. Three guesses regarding her favorite hue.

Alice loved Magnolias, even though she rarely could remember what they were called.

Alice enjoyed smiling, laughing, looking out her large window at the trees outside, being read to and going for strolls — more like rolls.

Alice loved her bunny rabbit figurines. She even offered me one of them, for my pending baby. I politely declined.

Alice didn't take any guff. We shared that trait.

Alice's eyes shone brightly, as did her smile. She used these to her benefit while telling me vivid stories about life on the farm, things she'd heard somewhere — she couldn't recall where, which frustrated her — and the joy of raising children.

Alice cherished the story of Ruth and Naomi. She only remembered bits and pieces, so when I read the passage to her, she was overjoyed.

Alice often proclaimed her appreciation for God and his sweet, sweet love.

Alice lived 87-plus years before succumbing to various health problems a little more than a week ago. I only knew her from our several weekly visits together at the assisted-living facility where she resided. I wished I'd known her longer. Our short friendship meant the world — to me.

I will never, ever forget those orange Crocs.


elphaba said...

That is a very special story. You can tell Superman that I'm proud (not in a condescending way, but in a I- wish -I would- do- that, way) of him for investing his time in the older generation.
Many years ago, when I was in college, my parents and I randomly went and sang Christmas songs at a Nursing Home. My dad discovered that one of the residents was an old family friend and I will never forget the tender moment that ensued. Such dear souls that are neglected by most of society - myself included, sadly.

girlfriday said...

A wonderful story, J. Thanks for taking the time to write it. I feel convicted that I'm not using my gifts to minister the elderly...I am glad you are doing it.

Hurray for your orange Crocs, Alice!