I'm not a thrill seeker in the bungee-jumping sense. But I believe in taking not-so-calculated risks in the way I live my life. Without them, afterall, I'd be seriously lacking in some grand rewards, none the least of which is my ab-fab husband.
Admittedly, I have little to no understanding or empathy for people who don't share my thinking in this area. The words "playing it safe" send unwelcome shivers down my spine. Why? What's the point? Especially when one's current circumstances leave so much to be desired. If you're unhappy at Point A and a happier Point B is attainable, why the heck aren't you moving in that direction?
I should have more patience for people who aren't like me; Lord knows all the long-suffering folks who have to put up with my own weird quirks. But it's just so difficult to grasp, this refusal to take chances and change one's situation. Sure, after talking to individuals like this, I find out they have taken risks in their lives -- who hasn't? But their years on this planet are better characterized by often unhealthy decisions that seemed safer at the time.
I think it must be closely related to the Martyrdom Syndrome: As you watch a good opportunity approach, it does so slowly, like a float in a parade. You have all the time you need to think up reasons for not jumping onboard. By the time it's right in front of you, your only choice (or so you think) is to wave and breathe a sigh of relief when it's passed. "Well, too late now."
That's no way to live.
Who am I to say what's the right way to live? No one, really. I only say it from experience, limited as it is. I've really screwed up a few times when I took a leap before looking. On the other hand, I can "safely" say some of the greatest parts of my life wouldn't be there if I didn't pursue the unknown wholeheartedly like a belly-flop off a cliff.
So jump on in -- the water is fine. But why take my word for it?
Great post; great advice. Is that "ab-fab" himself diving into the water?
Is this your way of telling me I should've moved to Australia?
The answer to both your questions is no and no :)
It's just so hard when you're not wired like that. I was hard-wired to be cautious; ask my parents--old before my time. I'm always working on changing, but then I get resentful, thinking, "Everyone loves the exciting risk takers. Why are they automatically better than the 'fraidies?"
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