Wow...that's an amazing sentence to type. Well I do and he is just the best thing ever. Seriously, sliced bread has nothing on this little guy. Childbirth is a deeply personal experience, so I wont be posting the thousands of little details that made it so extraordinary for me. But strangely enough, the song that comes to my head when I think of those first few moments my baby was drawing breath is "Some Enchanted Evening" from the musical "South Pacific."
You see, our little bundle was born in the early evening hours. Labor was long and the moment they set his slippery body on my belly is a bit of a blur (the last part happens very fast, as you mothers can attest to). But after they took him away to the far corner of the room to clean him up and check his vitals, I looked over in his direction and strained to sneak a peak between all the nurses' bodies.
And suddenly, like I was part of some old romantic story, everything around me went dark -- except the path of my sight to his, in which there was a glow. He was looking at me as I was looking at him.
I know, I know. Say what you will about infants not being able to focus their eyes that far in front of them. But we looked at each each other. His eyes were so wide, so gorgeous, so intense. I can't imagine ever forgetting that moment.

You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know,
You know even then
That somewhere you'll see [him]
Again and again.
Some enchanted evening
Someone may be laughin',
You may hear [him] laughin'
Across a crowded room
And night after night,
As strange as it seems
The sound of [his] laughter
Will sing in your dreams.
Who can explain it?
Who can tell you why?
Fools give you reasons,
Wise men never try.
What a sweet thought. You do have a son and what a lucky son he is to have you!
WOOHOO -- congratulations! The very moment of meeting each of my children is engraved on my heart -- makes all the mess worth it.
Welcome Superman Jr. !
Wow, Joy!! Way to put some very special, thoughtful and poignant words down so soon after becoming a mother. I don't think I was capable of coherent thought until Douglas was.....hmmm. How old is he now?? :)
Congratulations!!! Precious boy. Precious mama.
Congratulations! It is a unique and blessed experience.
You're soooo whipped.
You should have put a disclaimer on this post: Don't read at work unless you wish to weep in front of your co-workers.
I am one lucky aunt...and sister! :)
Congrats! He is GORGEOUS!! I know you are enjoying all the small precious moments.
Very cool. You make me smile Joyous...
Bless your heart. All of your hearts. :) I'm late in wishing you well, but am so glad your sweet one arrived safely and that you're okay.
Btw, he's adorable in the photo.
Well, he is just absolutely beautiful. And I loved your reference to Some Enchanted Evening in this context. There is no love like mother-love. I always said the world went from black and white to technicolor when I had my first, only I didn't know it had been in black and white! Congratulations. Take lots of pics and videos. You may think you're taking a lot, but you're really not! YOu'll love to look at them when he's ... 19.
Congrats! you guys are going to be unbelievable parentals! and you finally have an excuse to read aloud!
Lois - great blog. As a first time dad of an 8 month old girl, I resonated with your reflections and appreciated your honesty. Enjoy every moment with your infant. It sure is flying by! My Eloise is almost crawling. She said, "Da" for the first time and started clapping hands today. On a different note, your diverse interests in your profile led me to see if you might visit my website and my blog sometime to see what you think. The website is devoted to a book project I did called The Gospel According to Rock, which heavily features U2 but also looks at over 100 rock songs through a theological lens. The blog is my wrestling with what tomorrow's church might look like - if there is one. That can be found at http:/ Best of luck with the baby and the blogging. There's got to be room for both! Toby Jones
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