Isn't that the best way to start a sentence? Well, pretty much since the dawn of time, God has been very specific about the ways we were to (and *not* to) partake in sexual activity. Man-woman-marriage-period (well, a few extra wives here and there plus a couple concubines was palatable). From what I've studied, this was a pretty rare idea among ancient religions. Why do you think this is?
I've often thought about how things changed from the Old Testament to the New, in terms of "the law." Many of the rules were thrown out. Forbidden foods can now be enjoyed with a clear conscience, circumcision is optional, etc. But the rules about sex didn't change: man-woman-marriage-period. And it seems the model was made even stronger with more focus one ONE man and ONE woman.
Sex is a big deal to God, for one reason or another. I have some theories about why, but I'm much more interested in hearing other people's thoughts on the matter, since mine are vague at best. Circumcision used to be a sign of God's promise living in you, and there was a time when you were what you ate (almost literally). But all of that changed, or rather was fulfilled, with Christ's death. What is it about sex?
SEX....what a lovely thing our creator created. Sounds poetic doesn't it. Well we are His wormanship...His poiema(sp)...the term we get out modern "poem" from. Pastor Riddle, here in SC, has always said that having sex with someone is like taking super glue and sticking both partners to each other. When you seperate the two you leave a little bit of yourself behind. I can understand that. So imagine if you have multiple partners....eventually would there be any of yourself left? Interesting thought. So is monogamy important....you bet your superglue it is! Manuela
I think that some of the things that changed, like you mentioned food, or circumcision, pertain to us in a singular sense. Sex has the ability to seriously hurt another person. Especially outside of marriage, or in a marriage of the non traditional kind. God created 1 man and 1 woman to come together in 1 perfect union. Anything outside of that is straying from His perfect plan, thus sin!
Well marriage is supposed to be a reflection of Christ and the church, right? In the same way that as followers of Christ we must remain faithful to him and forsake all other gods, we must remain faithful to our husband/wife as well. We are not to "play the harlot" with Christ or with our spouse. All of the other things food, circumcision, holding to all of the laws were the moral standard, they were for conscience sake. To maintain that holiness is impossible, (hence Christ coming). But sex is entirely different. Sex is union with your spouse in the same sense that we are in spiritual union with the Savior. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Now I'm starting to ramble
I love the coments. Way to be, ladies.
As a person who did NOT protect my body and take sex seriously I can now see and understand God's push for marriage as well as society's. Your body is the most amazing gift and should only be shared with others who truly respect it and honor it and themselves as well. It's a long road to come back to honoring your body when you've strayed for so long.
As for the one man and one woman it makes sense in a procreation stand point. I'm also a believer in homosexual unions. Why? Because statstically they do what heterosexual marriages do - bring together two people to make a commitment to one another, to honor one another and to live a life of respect. Married couples are less of an insurance risk, less likely to commit crime and more involved in their communities. I speak in general here people - I know crazy married heteros and amazing single gays.
I guess the point I am making is that marriage is a tool to further your commitment in public of honor and respect of another and to move into a new chapter of your life as an adult, a responsible committed and valued person.
Now I'm rambling... I need caffine.
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