Admittedly, I watched a LOT of television over the weekend...more than I usually do and probably should. I blame most of it on the NFL season's kickoff. I'm in a Fantasy Football league this year and it's taken my interest in the NFL from fascination to infatuation. Among those on my team are Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald and Ladanian Tomlinson. I'm still in negotiations to get the Steeler defense. Go Seahawks!
I also watched the finale of HGTV's "Design Star" (yes, I'm a real Renaissance girl). Dan didn't win, but he should've.

I realize he didn't have a lot of exciting tattoos or make a lot of jokes during his reveals, but the guy could design your socks off. (It doesn't hurt that I have a 2-degrees-of-separation connection with him, like I did with that guy who almost won "America's Most Beautiful Person.") Antonio (who prevailed) always had one or two great concepts with every design, but Dan came to play and out-concepted Antonio every time. The HGTV judges should have taken a cue from Food Network and awarded star status to the person with the overall most talent, even if they're not the most "camera-ready."

The best thing I watched Sunday was the series finale of the most underrated comedy on network television: "King of the Hill." I didn't get teary at the end, even though it was an exceptional finale (sitcoms, take note!), but I did get a little sentimental thinking about Hank Hill -- arguably the most moral character on television is off the air and "The Family Guy," Hank's antithesis in every way, remains as popular as ever. Go figure. If you never got into "King of the Hill," I highly recommend you rent/Netflix/RedBox a season or two. I didn't have any interest in watching for the first few seasons it was on. But once you've seen a few episodes, you'll recognize the honest-to-goodness goodness and big heart of this little cartoon about a Texas family.

And lastly, a quick shout-out to Juan Martin Del Potro for doing the impossible and defeating Roger Federer at the U.S. Open. Hooray for the underdogs!
Long Live Hank Hill.
That was an excellent finale. Understated, just like the show has always been. And I loved that they resolved the one lingering issue: an activity Hank and Bobby could bond over.
Catching up on your blog. I've been remiss. I love you, Lois.
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