Again, not to get all political on you, but I think Mitt Romney's latest little diatribe is worth talking about. Here, you can read about a QUESTION (not a statement) Mike Huckabee posed about the LDS faith. He asks whether Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. Romney labels this question an "attack."
Really, Mitt? Asking a question about faith is an attack? Nevermind that it's actually part of the doctrine. Slick, Mitt, very slick. And through it all, Huckabee remains looking the most "real."*
*The views reflected here are not necessarily an endorsement for president. Lois E. Lane reserves the right to remain nebulous in her stance and to view any candidate as "fair game."
Again, I do enjoy a blogger with a personality and -gasp!- opinion.
Ok...while you have opened up this can of worms...I shall now join you in dangerous repeating of idiotic quotes
(I broke the url in half)
(and now I duck the Molotov cocktails thrown by devotees of America's Sweetheart)
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